Speaker Series – Session Three - February 24, 2022

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It is no secret that we are changing the world with technology. Technology has provided tools for our world to stay connected and a platform to learn beyond our physical borders. It can enrich everyday experiences and has led to advancements that have increased our overall productivity, efficiency, and quality of life. At work, school, or home, technology has become an important tool that has been woven into our daily lives. When technology is used improperly or in excess, it can also be detrimental to the user, their family, and the community. Understanding this potential risk, it is important to establish a healthy relationship with technology… exploring while setting parameters and developing skills to properly manage our use of technology.   

Our children have grown up with technology at their fingertips, so leading by example and setting boundaries is more important than ever. In many ways, guiding your children now means helping them along in the real world, as well as in the digital world.  While they will need to learn healthy habits around using technology to be balanced, successful digital citizens - we as parents can probably benefit from a few pointers ourselves!

Join us on Thursday, February 24 at 7:00 pm EST for a virtual family-focused event that will explore our relationship with technology. We will discuss the importance of and tactics around being a good role model and setting boundaries at all ages.

Attendees will learn and receive resources about:

  • Ages 0 - 8: Building healthy habits and setting boundaries
  • Ages 9 - 17: Making the shift from monitoring to mentoring
  • Parents: Modelling healthy digital usage
Speaker Series graphic with illustration of community coming together